How To Beat Writer's Block

Here’s How I Beat Writer’s Block.

Let me say I love writer’s block. It’s my body’s way of saying relax and have a coffee.

But right now I am sitting facing my Mac and wondering what the hell to write. It isn’t that I don’t have projects to complete, I do.

I have four books started, a movie script in progress, I like to blog and I am writing a new business manual. Yet … I am staring at my screen, surfing through YouTube, clicking on Facebook and generally doing anything but writing.

I have a severe case of screen-hypnosis or writer’s block - can it be solved?

Websters online describes it as the following

Definition of writer's block

a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from proceeding with a piece

Haha - no kidding.

So. we have a psychological inhibition of sorts that is holding us back (don’t dial 911 this solution is much easier).

Now don’t panic because not only do you NOT have to solve writer’s block you can ride on the back of it and come out the other side a much greater writer.

Here is what I do when I get writer’s block.

If I am suffering from writer’s block I do this and so can you.

How To Fix writer’s Block.

  1. Switch off your computer.

  2. Go for a coffee outside your room or home.

  3. Feed your mind with external observations of life.

  4. Read something in a book NOT online (too addictive to click from one thing to another).

  5. Do not carry any kind of timepiece with you.

  6. Relax and enjoy the moments.

  7. Don't feel guilty about this process.

  8. When ready - not before - head for home but not to write.

  9. Head home do what you do but ONLY if you feel compelled to write then and only then go and write.

That’s exactly what I do. I do anything rather than write when I have writer’s block.

Now here’s the really cool thing.

Going through a process like this or a process that works for you actually energises the block and eventually, the block explodes into a creative force.

That is why writer’s block is a critical part of writing and not your enemy.

I’ve said it before - writing is just thoughts on paper.

I hope this helped you.

Author, writer & Mentor, Alan Forrest Smith.