I Want To Be a Writer But Hate Writing

I want to be a writer but hate Writing

Me too …

So let’s get to the bottom of this all-too-common writers dilemma.

I cannot think of any time when I want to joyously go and write. Yet hen I am writing I am silent, clicking away and happy.

So what is going on?

Why is it most authors want to write but hate to (start) writing?

Remember writing anything is just the transferring of thought onto paper.

Most oil us don’t want to write if the thought isn’t clear. If the thought isn’t clear it can be as good as impossible to write.

So let me share with you how I as an author have gotten.

Recently I finished a business book that very quickly became a best seller. Here is what I will share with you. I was thinking about that book for years before I sat and wrote it. I had also written it twice and deleted two copies.

Finally, I sat and put down 300 words.

Here is how I get past the want to write but hate to write scenario and here are a few writers tips that will help you think and approach your writing from a fresh angle.

Don't forget before you read this.

There are people that don’t like to talk but if you give them space to tell their story they will talk and talk forever.

  • Your writing is a conversation in print. Find your story and it’ll flow.

  • Know the idea or theme of what you want to write

  • Think it over time and again until you know what it will be

  • Can you say out loud what the book will be?

  • Can you clearly explain that story to others?

  • Relax and have a coffee alone to give your mind time to think

  • Write short headline notes in one-line format to start to build your story

  • Transfer the notes onto a document ready to type

  • Create an appointment with yourself to write

  • Before you start to write take a few minutes to close your eyes and get focused

  • Switch on your computer

  • WRITE!

Even if you hate writing but want to write keep pushing forward. The energy will gather momentum and you will find you love to write once in the flow.

I hope this helps you find your flow and takes away the I want to write but hate to write feeling. Remember all authors and writers feel exactly the same.
